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i love this so much!! love the using the boots for revenge heehee and i really love the Incident, it really made me giggle!

i had such a great time playing this! the setup of the cyberghost and then actually meeting them was probably my favorite part... and i loved the chain animation in the cyberghost area too.

I also think the private jet is a great way to make sure the player has seen everything before leaving

Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed it!! :)
You wouldn't believe how much trouble it was to get the chain animation working, since it's more than two frames I had to do it directly in the game data, and I just kept messing it up ':D

Lovely island! All inhabitants were very nice and polite to me, except that rude jackass sKull. But I've told him a lesson!

Thank you for this little retreat!

Haha, thanks for playing :) , I am so glad that people seem to actually find all the story beats!

a really cute little game! loved the little all the little interactions! 

Thank you so much!

This was so fun! I love the little details, and the logic behind the puzzly elements. My favorite part is the boots; I knew right away what they were for—it was such a satisfying bit of design!

aww! thanks so much for playing and for the nice words!